Nobody has time to read your academic CV properly, line by line, detail by detail. By taking that basic fact as a starting point, this workshop will guide you through how to compile an effective, scannable academic CV: what goes in, what it’s best to leave out, how to organise your information for maximum relevance and impact. We will look at the most commonly made mistakes and how successful applicants have fixed them. And there will be an opportunity to share your own CV with others, so that you can experience what shortlisting is like and how your job application will be read. By the end of the workshop, you will know what you need to do in order to make your academic CV ready for the job market.
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All of our courses are free of charge to UCU members. Unless otherwise stated, any member is entitled to attend any course advertised on this website, but please note UCU is unable to pay members’ travel and accommodation expenses to attend CPD events. We aim to make our courses as accessible to members as possible with events running in a wide range of locations.