Build UCU CPD by becoming a Union Learning Rep

UCU’s Continuing Professional Development programme changes lives. Do you want to help us change more? Our CPD courses are loved by members. Many courses are full within hours of promotion. So we need to expand what we do to reach more people, but we can only do that with your help.

We would love to hear from you if you want to help us develop this work. If you do it’s easy. Simply drop us an email to and ask about becoming a Union Learning Rep.

If you are a new ULR and have not been on the induction course or you are interested in the ULR role in your branch, please register for our upcoming training.

What do UCU Union Learning Reps do?

Working with the local UCU Branch Union Learning Reps (ULRs) do some, or, all of the following activities

  • Promote UCU’s national CPD offer
  • Set up UCU CPD courses for local members, and non-members, using the same materials as the national courses and using the same course tutors
  • Liaise with the local employer around development and learning issues
  • Ensure all members have equal access to professional development opportunities
  • Support new members in gaining professional qualifications
  • Work with Branch officers in organising campaigns and recruitment around CPD issues
  • Establish learning agreements and learning committees with the employer
  • Represent individual members who have been refused learning opportunities
  • Pilot new UCU CPD initiatives and guide the development of this work.

How UCU will support you as a ULR

  • As a UCU ULR you will join a network of thousands of other UCU reps– you will not be alone
  • Once your Branch recognise you as a ULR you will be legally entitled to formal training in the ULR role within 6 months
  • You will receive regular information from the UCU CPD team
  • The UCU CPD team will always answer any questions you might have and otherwise offer advice and support
  • As part of a growing network of UCU ULRs you will be able to buddy-up with others in similar universities or colleges
  • National networking events for ULRs.

How you can become a UCU ULR

To take part in this exciting work, or simply to find out more about it, just email us at .