UCU’s CPD for All project is up and running!

The CPD for All project started in April 2019 with the aims of:

  • pushing professional development issues up the bargaining agenda
  • increasing the number of CPD courses offered by UCU
  • aligning those courses with the FE and HE frameworks (so that members completing UCU courses can use any evidence produced toward building their portfolios)
  • building mutually beneficial relationships with ETF and Advance HE around CPD and their frameworks, in order to secure UCU’s position as the voice of professionalism in the sector
  • to make our CPD offer more member-focused, so for example we will deliver more courses in colleges and universities via branches, organised in conjunction with local Union Learning Reps (ULRs)
  • to build the ULR cohort in order to build membership and activity.

If you want to find out more about the project, or to get involved, and especially if you want to find out more about becoming a UCU ULR, please contact the CPD for All project manager Rob Hancock at rhancock@ucu.org.uk or for general information about UCU’s CPD programme contact cpd@ucu.org.uk .