UCU Running Climate Learning Events

19 March 2025, 10:30 - 12:00
Online (Zoom)

UCU CPD Running Climate Learning Events- Wednesday 19 March 10:30am – 12 noon

What to expect

 Running climate learning events is the fourth in a series of our workshops on the climate crisis, and how we can play our part in addressing it. Building on existing CPD workshops ‘Introduction to climate education’ and ‘Embedding climate education in the curriculum’, SOS-UK have developed this workshop for UCU to support members in taking action within their own institutions.

To take part in this workshop you do not need to have completed the previous sessions.  This workshop will share examples of similar initiatives, promote idea-sharing amongst members and sign-post you to resources and opportunities to help you run a climate learning event at your institution. So if you want to encourage colleagues across your institution to take part in climate a climate crisis awareness day or week please join us and we will show you how.

Learning Aims

The full aims of the interactive workshop are to:

  • Understand how to involve and engage allies including colleagues and students, in helping to run the climate-themed learning events
  • Know what UCU resources are available, and how to add to them
  • Explore specific resources and consider how they could be adapted to support local initiatives.

How UCU CPD webinars work

The taught session will last for about 75 minutes, after which time we take 15-20 minutes to discuss the issues raised. The total time commitment will be around an hour and a half.

You will need to find a quiet space, away from distractions (like telephone and email!), and you may prefer to use headphones for the session. I would also recommend that you check that you can use zoom before the session if you are unfamiliar with it.

Once registered you will be sent a meeting number and password for the workshop using zoom. You will be able to join the session from about 10 minutes before the stated start time. I would also recommend that you do join 5 to 10 minutes early as you will need to be admitted to the session, and of course there can be technical problems. Live transcription will be available. We are passionately committed to ensuring that everyone can fully participate in UCU CPD sessions so if you need us to make any additional facilities available to you please get in touch as soon as you can. We will do everything possible to help

If you have any questions please email Glen at  gpickard@ucu.org.uk

Glen Pickard and Tracy Walsh
Learning and Development Coordinators