Writing successful grant applications with the Research Funding Tool Kit

Here’s what UCU member Dr Ilan Baron at Durham University said about the tool kit:
“The Research Funding Tool Kit is designed to help scholars write successful grant applications. The authors acknowledge that luck plays a great deal in the grant selection process. Nevertheless, they offer a significant amount of constructive advice for how to compose, structure and design a successful grant application. Their advice is useful, applicable across disciplines, and especially insightful for people like myself, who have not had much training in how to write a grant application. They detail common mistakes in grant writing and provide a variety of exercises to help focus your grant writing.  While I often find that many of these types of books state the obvious and offer limited useful information. In this case I think the opposite is true. The book does offer what seems to me to be very good information and guidance on grant writing. I would actually recommend it.”
Dr Ilan Baron, Durham University

We offer downloadable advice to writing research grant applications from Professor Andrew Derrington at University of Liverpool and UCU members also get 25% off his excellent book ‘The Research Funding Toolkit: How To Plan and Write Successful Grant Applications’ http://www.uk.sagepub.com/books/Book236034 (contact cpd@ucu.org.uk to get the discount code).